The day you walked into this world , was the first time he smiled when you cried. He was the first man to take you in his arms, and love you and cuddle you, he was no other than your very own superhero, your DAD. Day by day you grew up playing in his arms, riding on his back, emptying up yourself on him, falling asleep on his lap, he was no other than your very own superhero, your DAD. Image source- Favim. Crying badly at times, you ran towards him and hugged him, showing he was strong enough, he consoled you; but deep inside he cried seeing tears in your eyes, he was no other than your very own superhero, your DAD. Time flew so fast, I was too small to realize, Suddenly that superhero went to a far away land, biding goodbye to us forever. That goodbye was the one to break me into pieces, and no one knew how empty was I without him. Pictures and memories with him are the things I live with today, missing him every mom...