"Breast cancer", said the doctor leaving the newly wed couples into tears.
"Last stage..", the Doctor continued and added, "only chemotherapy can keep her alive for the coming few days, there's not much time left with her.."
They left the chamber holding each others hand. They walked down the street, and silence prevailed all around. 
On reaching home, she went inside her room and lied on the bed. She was in tears again. He said, "Don't cry, I love you." And he hugged her. Who knew this was coming their way? They had just started living their life, a life filled with love. They were bound to take a very tough decision and finally they decided to go for the chemotherapy.

Image Source- Favim.
Her chemotherapy started and she was in pain, badly. This was now killing her. After the first session she said, "This is painful. Let me die."
He replied, "I'll do everything possible to keep you with me, don't leave me and just walk away." And he cried.
Slowly she started losing her hair, and her body was no more able to take the pain. 
She asked him, "I look ugly now, right?"
"Whatever happens, you'll be the most beautiful girl for me" and kissed her.
Weak and weaker, now she gave up.
She died and he was alive. But, he now dies every day because once he was alive, alive with her and her love...........

This post is written for A Prompt Each Day - Wordplay #8 .


  1. Wow, beautifully written. Cancer is indeed a curse in itself.

  2. This was so painful. I wish no one goes through such pain. Very well penned, I could feel the agony of the couple.


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