Arpit Vageria, born in Indore, is one amongst the young authors of India. CHOCKOLATE SAUCE is his debut novel. Apart from writing, he is currently employed in a leading media group of Mumbai.
He is a commerce graduate from Renaissance College, Indore and has done a management course from IBS, Mumbai. His other interests are listening to music, travelling and reading.
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1. Who is Arpit Vageria? Introduce yourself.

Arpit Vageria is someone who’ is born 20+ some years back. I’m someone who spends most of my life in reading, travelling and writing to make my people read or watch my work on television.

2. How is life being an author?
Oh. It’s amazing. It’s always a good feel to see random people picking up your books and talking about it. You hear good and bad both about your books and that motivates you to write further.

 3. How did you get into writing?
That’s a long story. I’d someday write a book upon that. It’s after knowing 10 things that I shouldn’t do, I decided on just writing books and for other mediums. Probably, Writing is the only thing I’m not bored of.
 4. Did anyone inspire you to write the novel “CHOCKOLATE SAUCE”?
Yes, a couple of my friends who lied at times and said- ‘I write well.’

 5. Was it a problem for you to find a publisher?
Getting a publisher for first time author is always difficult. But I’d still say, getting a publisher isn’t very difficult task but getting a good publisher is.

 6. How were you feeling when you had the first copy of “CHOCKOLATE SAUCE” in your hand?
The same way Brad Pitt and tom cruise must have felt after watching their own film for first time in premiere.
 7. Can you give a brief description of the main characters of the book?
Arnab is a family-loving guy. He is emotionally blackmailed to stay back in Indore, since he is the younger son and mummy’s pet! So he completes his graduation at the Renaissance College in Indore. Aditi is a loving and caring lass, Arnab’s best friend. Jahnvi is a charming girl with high values; someone who would never hurt her parents whatsoever! Rishi is a playboy, who also happens to be Arnab’s best friend. Fate makes them face several challenges. Their lives become more twisted and confused when Arnab starts liking Jahnvi and Aditi starts liking Arnab. Jahnvi, on the other hand, also thinks she has feelings for Arnab. And Rishi is out of the equation as he loves many and more!

 8. Do you want to dedicate this book to anyone? If yes then whom and why?
To myself for believing that I too can write a book.

 9. How does it feel when people appreciate you for your debut novel?
It feels best. When people comes to you and say that- Your novel has changed my life for good. There’s no better feeling in world. You write, people read, they appreciate. Life can’t get any better.

 10. Any upcoming project that you are working on?
Yes, I’d announce that at right time.

 11. Can you give a message to the aspiring authors?
Increasing your hair and beard doesn’t make one writer. Observe things, read a lot, keep writing on a daily basis and don’t fall in trap of short stories. Take time; write a story, If it’s good. Publishers will accept it, people will read it and appreciate it.

 12. Lastly leave a message for all your readers and fans out there.
Thank you for giving all your love and waiting for my second book patiently. I’ll soon make an announcement.


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