Finally the time was here.  Yes, the time to go back home after an interval of six whole months. Tired, sad and happy; to be precise, a feeling of several mixed emotions. Why so? Just because it was the first time ever that I stayed away from my house for so long, yes, as you know higher studies make you do so. Well these six months were like a roller coaster ride. New people, new faces, everything new all around, not a single thing known yet they were interesting. Everyone else was set to make new friends like me. New friends’ means new fun; I was successful in my mission to make some amazingly awesome friends. So for me leaving them and staying away for a one whole month from them was the thing that made me sad but still going back home made me the happiest creature alive.

 5:00 AM.

“Wake up honey... It’s time to get out of your bed...” beeped my alarm with this tone in the melodious voice of my mother, my superwoman. Yes you can call me silly, but let me tell you, this is the only voice which could wake me up! Like a lazy bee, I finally got up from my bed, brushed my teeth in hurry as I was already late. The ticket told the bus would arrive sharp at 6 AM and did it. I hate travelling alone but when you know something good is coming, everything becomes your favorite. Then I decided to complete my nap and dozed off to sleep.

9:00 AM.

Finally my stop was here and there I saw my mommy with my pretty little sister and of course my cute little baby, my doggy. Oh yes, I was back and the kid inside me woke up and I was in tears. Snuffy could not see the tears in my eyes and licked it off and made me smile.

The day was special. Everyone had a smile on their face seeing me back to home after such a long interval. Surely they did miss me and yes, I did too. Seeing their happy faces made me even happier, happier than ever. This made me determined, determined to fulfill my dream for a brighter future, for making my mother and everyone else proud; proud so that they could shout out loud and say, “Yes, she is our daughter.”
Only I was the one who could make a difference in my life and make my future shine. Those smiling faces did do their work of keeping me engrossed in my hard work for a shiny future. Yes, it gave me confidence about the future and making all my dreams come true. 

This post is part of https://housing.com/lookup.


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