“Papa, Papa, Papa. We’ll go to Aquatica (water park) this Sunday, please?” I said.
“Ok beta, we’ll surely go.” Replied papa and I hugged him.
It was Saturday afternoon when papa came upstairs from the shop for the lunch. He took his lunch and a small nap and went back to the shop downstairs.
After he went down, he had a sudden pain in his chest. The employees took him to his cabin and made him lie down. The condition worsened and then the employee decided to call and inform the family members.
He called and said, “Ma’am, sir is sick. He is having a serious pain in his chest.”
After hearing this, Deepa, my mother ran downstairs with the hot water bag. Things were normal for a while but again he felt the pain and he was unable to bear it. Seeing this, the employees suggested my mother to call the ambulance and take him to the hospital. The ambulance came and papa was taken DSP (Durgapur Steel Plant) main hospital.
The weather then turned out to be rainy and the storm started. It was Saturday, 4th of June, 2005. I, grandma and my cousin brother were at home with my small sister. I was into tears and so was everyone.
Grandma said, “Beta, go and pray to god for your papa’s recovery. God listens to his children faster.”
I ran to the puja ghar of our house with my bhaiya and we prayed to god.
I  said, “Please heal my papa god.” With tears in my eyes.
After a while we got a call from my uncle and he informed us that papa is fine now and grandma told that to us and we smiled.
but who knew this good news was soon going to turn into a bad news.
After 5 minutes grandma again got a call from my uncle and he said, “Everything is over.” And grandma was in tears and she became senseless.
I asked, “what happened maa? Is papa coming home now?”
I got no reply to my question and gandma started crying.
She then told me, “Beta, god took your papa away from us.”
I was just 8 then.
God took away my papa from me on 4th June, 2005.
He had a severe stroke and the doctors could not save him.
The last time I saw him was when he said a yes to my question with a smiling face and the next time I saw him, he was lying there covered with a white sheet of cloth, eyes closed. FOREVER.
I said, “Papa get up. You can’t leave us and go. Get up papa, please.”
No reply from him, and everyone there was crying. I was a small child then, and at that age, I lost my father. My super-hero.
Life changed in seconds. A good news suddenly changed into a bad one, breaking us down.
I wish there was an UNDO button in our life so that I could get my father back.
I wish I could just step backwards as in Photoshop and edit my life.
I wish these things were possible.
I wish..

I wrote this post with tears in my eyes. I miss you papa! I miss you real bad.


  1. He's with you every moment darling, smiling... just like the last time you saw him. Do well in life and make him and all of us proud. You know you have it in you!! God bless u, kid :) keep smiling and keep shining always!

  2. His blessings are with you dear...ur post touched my soul
    god bless

    1. Yes ma'am :')
      and thank you so much ma'am :')

  3. Dear Sunidhi, I can totally relate to your pain my dear. I also lost my mom when I was 12 years old. It was all so sudden. Really, wish there was a UNDO button in our life. However, I know mom is there with me always. The same way your father is also always there with you my dear, blessing you, guiding you, protecting you.
    Hugs. God bless you :)

    1. Same here Purba ma'am, it was all so sudden. My papa would always be with me, I know that.
      Hugs to you ma'am. Stay strong always :')

  4. Dear Sunidhi, Your papa is always around you. People who go away always remain alive in our hearts. That's how they inspire us. Wherever he is, he is very much proud of you dear. Accomplish all your goals and make him the proudest daddy. God bless. All the best :)

    1. Yes ma'am, I'd make him a proud father. :')
      He was the best and he will be the best.
      Thank you ma'am :')

  5. Such a touching post - I can feel your pain - am sorry for your loss ! you've conveyed this ( that happened more than 10 years back ) very nicely !

  6. I miss my superhero! Its really difficult to manage things without him but girl you need to stay strong! Just keep one thing in mind he is always there with you! Just keep smiling... This blog reminded me of my dad!

    1. Yes ma'am, we need to stay strong and keep smiling! :')

  7. Sorry to hear that dear...I am sure he is always watching over you all.

    I'll tell you something - one way to have him around would be to plant some trees in his name and see them grow in your life.

    1. Yes sir, he is surely watching us and protecting us. :')

      actually that won't be possible as I would soon go out for college.

  8. Dearest Sunidhi...Yes, this is truly the greatest honest button that God can give us...nothing..nothing in the world is more precious than one's parent and the vacuum can never be filled up. But I am sure you have emerged stronger and independent to face the harsh realities of life! A truly poignant post and my eyes are moist reading this!

  9. greatest honest button...that should read as "greatest undo button"

  10. Really touching read. He is there with you always dear.

    1. He is with us and protecting us. :')
      Thank you ma'am :')


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