My life was a bit different. Having friends in my life was not my cup of tea. My only friends were my laptop and my cellphone. My father was a DSP and hence he was posted to different places on short time intervals. We could hardly spend a year at a particular place and this was the reason why I had no friends. In 2008, my father was posted in Nainital and we had to move there. I was not sad about the news as this became a common thing in my life. But this time, something was different. My father was posted here for a year and I was happy to hear this. Maybe now I could make some friends, not friends but true friends who would be with me even if I leave this place and move to somewhere else.
Soon we moved to Nainital and I was excited because this was the first time he was posted to a hill station. Nainital was mesmerizing and I fell in love with the place and it was “love at first sight”. Greenery all around and the cold winds blowing, nothing could be better than this. 
We went to the bungalow that was given to my father and the location of that place was awesome as well. Then my father decided something which was good for me and my future as well. 
My father said, “Dakshith, as you just gave your 10th boards and now you would be in 11, I don’t want your studies to be affected by my transfers as it got during the time you were about to give your 10th boards. So I’ve decided to keep you in a boarding school. Is it fine with you?”
I was shocked and was happy as well and then I replied, “Yes papa, this would be the first time for me that I would be in the same school for more than a year. Thank you papa for this.” And I hugged him.
I started thinking about what would I be doing and how would I enjoy these two years here and while doing so, I fell asleep. 
The next day we went out for my admissions and we stopped at Sherwood College. According to what my father said, this was one of the best schools in Nainital. We went to the Principal’s office and my father talked about my admission. The Principal became really friendly and he was happy to see my performance in 10th boards even after the problems we faced. Now I was finally a Sherwoodian. 
We went back to the bungalow and my mom started packing my bag as the academics would start in a week. After the packing was done, my father decided to take us out on a ride as after he gets back to his job, he wouldn’t get time for this. As we went out, we discovered the beauty of the place and were happy to be in such an awesome place. After having our dinner, we came back to the bungalow and slept. 
The next day was the day for me to leave for Sherwood. My father and the gatekeeper kaaku kept the bags in the car and we went to Sherwood. The Principal showed us the school and guided us to the hostel. I was falling in love with the school. My hostel room was a double accommodation one. My parents left me in my room and they left. 
I was now in my hostel room with my roommate. 
I said, “Hey, it’s Dakshith. What’s your name?”
He replied, “Im Aarav.” And smiled.
“Which class?” I asked him to which he replied, “Class 9.”
And then he asked me the same question to which I replied, “Class 11” and smiled.
He happily called me Daksh Bhaiya and I was even happier to hear this because I had no siblings.
We kept on chatting and I came to know that he belongs to Haldwani and he studies in this school since he was in class 5 and his parents were also having a transfer job. He shared his stories with me and so did I. Aarav took me out and introduced me to his friends and showed me the school. I was happy to make my first junior friend.
Soon days went by and finally the big day was here; the first day of class 11. I went to the class and was happy to see the new faces. Soon sir arrived and we greeted him good morning. He decided to start a introduction game where each one of us would introduce ourselves to the class.
The class consisted of 40 students as it was section D and the stream was humanities. There were a total of 6 sections, i.e, A, B, C, D, E, F and each stream had two sections. 
The introduction game ended and now everyone knew each others name. It was now mathematics class and the ma’am was started asking some basis questions. Now it was my turn, I answered the questions well and ma’am appreciated me. She moved on to the other student and she was Anwika. She was unable to answer the question and was scolded for this. I could see tears in her eyes. Ma’am told her to take her seat and the class went on. Anwika cried the whole period and then the bell rang for our lunch break. She took her bag and ran out of the class leaving her notebook under the desk and I followed her to return it. She went to the playground and sat under the tree and she was shocked to see me following her.
“What the hell are you doing here? Why were you following me? Leave me alone and go away.” She said as soon as she saw me.
“A-aa-aaa-actually” I stammered seeing her in anger and continued, “You left your notebook in class, so I followed you in order to give it to you. I’m sorry if you felt bad about this.”
She kept aside her anger and sweetly replied, “Oh, I’m sorry for being rude. Thank you for taking the pain and following me just to give the notebook.” and smiled.
I gathered some courage and replied, “My pleasure. So now can we go to the canteen for lunch?”
“Yes, surely.” She replied. 
We went to the canteen. I ordered grilled sandwich with coke and she ordered the same, we laughed. 
She took her plate and coke and I took mine and we went to the table. While eating, we had a small conversation.
“So, new to this school or you were a student earlier as well?” I asked her.
She replied with a sweet smile, “No, I’m new to this school. Earlier I was in DPS, Kolkata. What about you?”
“I’m new to this school as well. Earlier I was in DPS, Lucknow. That’s a co-incidence. We both are ex-DPS students.” I replied and we both again laughed. Then the bell rang and we went back to our class.

Days passed by and it was time for our first UT (unit test). My papers went awesome and I was expecting a really good score. I went to Anwika after the UTs were over and we had a conversation.
“Oye, how were your exams?” I asked her.
She replied, “Ummm. How were your exams?”
Her *Ummm* made me tensed. I replied, “Why ummm? Tell me how were your exams? Forget about mine!”
She started crying and replied, “My paper went really bad. I’ll flunk.”
“Shut up. Don’t say this.” I replied and wiped off her tears.
She discussed her problems with me and we both tried to find a solution for the problems.
Soon the papers were shown. I topped in my section with 49 out of 50 in mathematics and the teacher appreciated me. Anwika somehow passed in all the subjects but failed in mathematics. The class teacher scolded her for her bad performance and so did the mathematics teacher. The teacher suggested her to take help from her friends and she approached me.
I taught her mathematics regularly whenever we got some free period and helped her in other subjects too. Soon we became best of friends. The story of our friendship was now famous in school. 
Now finally it was time for the finals of class 11 and I had worked hard for myself and had helped Anwika a lot. I wishes her all the best before each exam and so did she. After the paper was over, we would sit somewhere and discuss what we wrote and calculated the marks we would be getting. Anwika was happy with her performance and I was happy to see her hard work. Soon the exams ended and the school announced a Dehradun trip for the students of class 11 & 12. Everyone’s parents or the local guardian was called and the permission for their child was taken. My parents came and they were happy to hear appreciations for my performance and they happily agreed and allowed me to go on the trip. Anwika’s local guardian was her maternal uncle. He came there and made her understood and told her to do well. He allowed her to go on the trip and she came running to me.
“My mamaji allowed me to go on the trip. What about you?” she said.
I made a sad face and replied, “My parents didn’t allow me. I’m sorry; I won’t be coming with you.”
She was sad when I said this and she said, “Ok. Then even I’ll stay back.”
Then I laughed and said, “Dumbo my parents happily allowed me.”  I ran away saying this and she followed to beat me. She caught hold of me and she punched me on my face with a puppy face and later we shared a long laugh. 

The next morning we left the school at 4 in the morning and reached Dehradun at 11:30. We were taken to the hotel booked for us and were told to freshen up as we would go out to discover the place. After a while, when everyone was ready sir told us to take our cameras and mobile phones but on our own risk. I took my mobile and camera and was waiting for Anwika. She came running by and kicked me and we boarded the bus. We discovered the place, clicked pictures and then we were taken back to the hotel. 

It was a three days trip and on the last day Principal Sir said that there would be a bonfire. We were excited and sad as well as the trip was going to end. We sang songs, played games, created some sweet memories and finally the trip ended bringing us back to school. 

The results for the finals were announced and I topped again. The most shocking thing was that Anwika got 85% and she stood sixth in our section. The teachers were shocked but were very happy seeing her performing so well.
They questioned her, “Who is that friend who helped you so much, Anwika?”
She replied, “Dakshith, the topper” to which I gave her a surprised look.
The teachers appreciated me for my result as well as for helping Anwika do well.
Anwika was very happy and so was I.
“Thank you so much Mr. topper for helping me out” she said and winked.
I replied, “Uh? Thank you? You may go and die!”
“Ok baba! No formalities. We are best friends forever!” she replied and hugged me.

Soon class 12 started and so did the competition to do well in class start. We all studied hard for better results and everyone was doing well. The UTs went smoothly and this time Anwika topped. I was not sad but I was the happiest person on earth when I came to know this.

“Say hello to Ms. Topper, you stupid.” She said jokingly.
I replied, “Congrats dumbo. I love you for this. Work hard and top in the pre-finals and boards as well.” And we kept on chatting after that.
The pre-finals started and everyone worked hard. The teachers were shocked again seeing both of us, Anwika and me, score the same percentage. They congratulated us and wished us all the best for boards.
Just a night before the boards, I and Anwika decided to sit together and revise for the first exam. We went to the school library after taking permission from the Principal Sir.

The first exam was English Language and we decided to revise the formats for everything. As we were doing that our conversation started,
“Will you forget me after we go out for studies?” she asked.
I replied, “Do you think so?”
“No, just asking. Well I know you won’t. You’re a true friend.” She replied.
“You’re the only best friend I have made in my whole schooling life.” I said. I had told her the reason for this earlier as well and she was sad to hear that.
It was 1am and I told her to go back to her hostel room as it was already late. I accompanied her till her hostel gate and waved her a goodbye.

The next morning we met during the assembly before the exam and wished each other luck. After the exam was over, we again sat together and discussed the paper. We chatted day in and day out on phone if we were unable to meet and when we met; we sat together and revised for the next exam and this followed till the exams ended. The exams ended bring a bad news for me. Anwika was going back to Kolkata with her parents now.
“I have to leave now. My parents are here to take me. I’ll miss you dumbo. Be in touch, please. Bye and take care.” She said and left in a hurry.
“Ok but promise me you’ll be here on the result day to say a final goodbye to me, please?” I shouted.
She shouted back, “It’s a BFF promise. Bye. Love you!”
“Love you too Ms. Topper.” I screamed with tears in my eyes.

I packed my bags and boarded the train to Delhi as now my parents were living there as my father got his posting there, three months ago. While the journey, I could recall each and every moment spent with Anwika. I cried and smiled, keeping those memories carved in my heart forever.

I got down at the station and my parents came to receive me. I went back home. I rested for a while and then took out my phone. It was switched off and then I kept it for charging. I kept on browsing the internet for college admissions and also to keep myself busy in work in order to divert my mind.

Months passed by and still I was unable to contact Anwika due to my mistake. I forgot to take her no. which she would be using in Kolkata and her Nainital’s no. was switched off since day one after she left. I searched her on all the social networking sites but was unable to find anything. I found a profile with her name and picture but it was also last updated on 28th April, 2009 and now, it was May 2010. This broke me down and I was depressed. My parents were sad seeing me in this condition and they were tensed as well. Finally the result was announced and I scored a 98.9%. I had Anwika’s roll number as well so I checked out her result and it showed a 95.7%. I was very happy seeing her result and tried calling her again but got the same reply that the number is switched off.

My parents got a call from Sherwood that the result is in school and the student is requested to come and collect his/her result. I left for Nainital hoping that I would finally meet her and we both would bid a final goodbye to each other until we meet again.

I reached Nainital and was back to Sherwood after three months. As I entered the school, I felt nostalgic. Memories came flying infront of my eyes and I could see everything happening in front of me. Soon Principal Sir came and congratulated me for my result and so did the other teachers. I collected my result and went back to the Principal’s office.
“Sir, May I come in?” I asked.
Sir replied, “Yes Dakshith, come in.”
“Sir actually I needed your permission to stay in the school hostel for the next few days. Please sir, allow me to stay and then I would leave. I promise not to disturb anyone.”
“Yes my child, you can stay here. All the best for your future.”
 “Thank you sir. Sir, Can I ask you a question?”
“Yes, go ahead.”
“Sir, did Anwika come to collect her result before me?”
“No Dakshith, she didn’t come. We tried calling her parents to inform them about the collection of result and documents from school but they didn’t receive our calls as well.”
“Thank you sir.” I said and left. 

Thoughts started running in my mind. Positives thoughts no more had place in my mind and all I was able to think of was something negative which I never wanted that it comes true. All I could do was pray and just pray. I went to the playground and from there I went to the tree under which we first met.

I sat there and closed my eyes thinking about Anwika and her promises. Suddenly a familiar voice called my name aloud, “Oye Daksh.”
I opened my eyes and was shocked to see Anwika. I cried and cried, and then finally spoke up.
“Where the hell were you? You didn’t even try contacting me. You know you got a 95.7%? I’m so happy for you Anwi. But I’m angry. You never called me or contacted me. I thought that you would break your promise of saying a final goodbye as well.” I said and cried again.
Anwika wiped my tears and hugged me. 
She said, “I know everything that happened with you and that you did in the last three months. I was with you every moment, every single second.”
“But how? Stop fooling me.” I replied with a shocked look on my face. 
“Daksh, I’m no more a human being. I’m just a soul now who would continue to be your best friend forever.”
I was shocked on hearing this and I replied, “Stop cracking such foolish jokes and tell me how you know everything?”
“Daksh, it’s the truth. The day I left for Kolkata with my parents, we met with a severe accident on the way. No one of us could survive and we died there on the spot. The last thing I could think of before closing my eyes was the promise I made to you of the final goodbye. I’m just here to say you a final goodbye, a goodbye that would last forever and ever and ever as we are not going to meet again. But remember that I’ll always be there for you, helping you out in every possible way. I’ll miss you Daksh, nothing is going to be the same again. I’ll miss you my best friend forever. GOODBYE.....” she said and kissed me on my forehead and I hugged her, with just tears in my eyes. 
I could now see nothing but just the dark black clouds in the sky. She was the only true friend I made and my only best friend and till the end, she kept her promise. She came here just to keep her promise and say a final GOODBYE.

Later on my stay there, I wrote a note for Anwika that read,
“Friends are special and are meant to stay in our life forever. True friends are the ones who would always be with us, whatever the situation is and they are the ones who would keep their promises. A true friend is hard to find and difficult to leave. You’ll always miss your true best friend once they leave, leave you and go away; go away on a journey that would end at heaven.
I’ll miss you my true best friend.......

Yours one and only Mr. Topper,
And left the note under the same old tree we met for the first time and for the last time, wishing for her to read it.
It was a final GOODBYE.


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