“Any man can be a FATHER but it takes someone special to be a DAD!”
-Anne Geddes

These lines are true enough, and nobody can say a NO to this. For me my DAD was the best father in the world and he’ll be so forever and ever. Though he left this world and went away to place from where returning back is impossible, I know he’s with me every minute and every second of my life.

Writing down something on papa always takes me back to the times when memories were created and I being small enough couldn’t realize that these moments won’t ever come back. No one could have imagined so, but god was cruel and he played his part and took away my papa, my superhero.

I still remember how I ran behind him and how we enjoyed the times we spent together. How my papa became my protecting shield and saved me from being scolded by mummy. How I got everything I asked for even after mummy said not to bring that, those were times which will never come back. Those are simply memories now.

Image Source- Etsy.

I remember how papa used to comb my hair and wave me bye when he dropped me at school every day and how he was always waiting for me to come out and then took me back home. I surely don’t remember the last time I hugged him because I was too small, but for sure now I want him to come back and I want to hug him and say, “Papa, I love you. Don’t leave me and go.” There were times when we planned out surprises and would make mummy happy. There were times when just because of him I could do well in my exams. I remember that one and last merit card which I got in class three for my excellent performance in science, computer and maths and that was just because he taught me those subjects beautifully which no one else could do.

It’s been ten years now and I still feel that someday he would come back even after knowing that it’s impossible. Even if he’s not here, I know he must be watching me in the form of a star and protecting me. Though I can’t see him, but I know he’s always with me and he’ll never leave me alone and walk away.
I do miss you dad, my superhero.
You were and you will always be my superhero, always and forever.
To everyone out there, go and hug your dad.
This hug could be the best gift any father would ever get.
Image Source- My mind :) Uploaded on my Instagram ID as well.

I am participating in the '#HugYourDad' activity for Vicks in association with BlogAdda.


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