“Ishaan, come here!” said my mother.
I was on a leave from the office so I was in my room and hearing my mother calling, I went down and then I saw a girl sitting there with her parents. She was beautiful and the only thing I could think of was, “Are my parents planning to get me married now?” 
As soon as I came and stood near my parents, she passed a smile to me and I did the same. Her smile was sweet and she was beautiful.
“This is Ruhali and they are her parents.” said my father. 
“Namaste Uncle and aunty,” I said to Mr. and Mrs. Srisvastav.
“Namaste beta” they replied and I smiled.
My father then said me to take Ruhali out and have a chat with her. Now it was clear to me that I’m getting married very soon and this starts here.
I took her to the nearby CCD and we both ordered a coffee for ourselves. 
“Hey, what do you do?” I asked her.
She replied, “I just completed my Masters in English and now I’m working as an English lecturer. What about you?”
“I work with TCS as a data analyst,” I said and smiled.
“Are you ready for this marriage?” I asked her to which she replied, “Yes I’m ready and the rest is upon my parents.” and smiled. 
We went back home and as we entered our parents had a smile on their face seeing us happy.
“So, what do you both think?” our parents asked.
She replied, “I’m ready” and blushed, and I smiled.
Well, that was it, my marriage was fixed.
We met regularly and were in contact with each other. After meeting her, I thought arranged marriages are not that bad how I always thought it to be. 
Soon the wedding planning started and I choose the card. I had to apply for a leave from my office for one month so that I could help my parents in the work and the rituals that would follow.
Days passed by and the final card was here. It read, “ISHAAN WEDS RUHALI”
This line brought a smile on my face and then I got a text from Ruhali saying, “The card is beautiful. Your choice is great.”
To which I replied, “I know and that’s why I choose you.”
And then we kept on chatting.

Source- Favim.

Soon the wedding day was here. Relatives, friends, and everyone, gathered in a single place. Different people, some known some unknown faces and you being clueless what to do, except smiling. The day was followed by the marriage rituals and it all ended at midnight. 
Ruhali had tears in her eyes as she to bid a goodbye to her parents and start a new life. Finally at four in the morning, we were home and the left over rituals were followed at home.
“Ruhali, change your dress and rest for some time.” My mother said to her.
“Ok mummy” she replied and came inside the room.

Later that day, we went to the temple to complete the rituals and now, we were a married couple. 
My parents gifted me a flat nearby and told us to shift there. We soon shifted there and then I again joined the office. Everyone in the office was happy hearing the news that now I’m finally married. Ruhali stayed back at home as she left her job and when I was in the office, she would be with mummy.
Days went by happily and our relation was growing stronger. We went out regularly and spent time together and when I was not at home, she would either be with mummy or go out with her friends. Life was good, and moving on smoothly.

It was Sunday and I decided to take her home and spend that day with my mother. We had happily completed eight months after getting married. We locked our flat and drove back home.

my mother was happy seeing us and welcomed us. She was cooking in the kitchen so Ruhali went there and helped her out and I sat with my father and had a conversation with him.

“So Ruhali, when are you planning to give us good news?” my mother asked her and she smiled.
“Soon mummy” she replied and came out of the kitchen.
The lunch was ready and Ruhali help mom bring the lunch to the table and helped her in serving as well.
While eating, mom said dad, “Ruhali would soon be giving us good news.” And Ruhali blushed. I smiled seeing her blush.
We said a goodbye to my parents and went on a long drive. She still had a smile on her face regarding what mom told her and she kept on smiling.
“Ahem…” I said to bring her out of her dreamland.
“So still now blushing, huh?” I asked her and she punched me.
“Not at all, you better drive instead of seeing me” she replied.
I smiled and then we went to the nearby park and sat beside the river on the grass.
“Do you want a girl or a boy?” she asked me.
I replied, “If it’s a girl, then she must be like you and if it’s a boy, he must be like me” and smiled.
She blushed and replied, “Shut up.” And I hugged her.

Months passed by and finally the day was here when Ruhali gave us all the good news. She was pregnant. Mom and dad were very happy and her parents as well. I decided her to keep with mom as I would be busy with my office schedules. Mom agreed to it and she kept Ruhali with her. We were all very happy. I went home regularly on Sundays and even sometimes on weekdays as well.
It was her eighth month going on and everyone was excited. I again applied for a leave in the office and my boss was angry but still he agreed. 
I went home and stayed with Ruhali. Suddenly the pain started and she was taken to the hospital. After a while, the doctor came out and informed us that we have been blessed with a baby girl.
Source- Favim.
Hearing this everyone was happy  and the baby was brought out of the room. She was as beautiful as Ruhali. She was like a princess and when I help her in my arms, I was the happiest person alive. I went to the room and informed Ruhali. She had a smile on her face and seeing her smile, I placed a kiss on her forehead. We decided to call her “Ishali- a combination of our name.”We were allowed to take Ruhali back home after three days with the baby. We all were very happy and so was Ruhali. A new journey started here, the journey of being parents to a baby girl.
Days were going away happily and so did months pass by. Everything was smooth till my boss gave me a bad news.
“Ishaan you need to work for four extra hours for a month. You’ve taken a number of holidays so you need to manage up the work. I’m sorry, but you need to do this.” My boss said. 
“Ok sir. Sorry to disappoint you.” I replied.
I kept it within myself and thought of not telling it to Ruhali. I worked harder. I worked day in and day out and returned home late at night. The routine continued and this became a reason for our fights.

“Why the hell do you come late every day? Is it because you don’t love me anymore or you’ve some affair with another girl as well?” Ruhali said.
I replied, “Just shut up for god’s sake! There’s nothing like this so stop thinking so much. I’m busy in work the whole day.”
“Stop lying! Just go an continue your affair.” She said and left the room.

I was unable to understand why this is happening. This became a regular thing. Fights were now a daily routine and this has started breaking me down. I started drinking to stress out myself and due to this I became irregular to office. Life took a U-turn when my boss said, “Ishaan, I can’t take it anymore. You need to leave the job. You’re irregular to office so it’s better for us to find a deserving person for this post. Submit your resignation as soon as possible and your salary after deducting some amount due to the holidays would be transferred to your account. Take care.”
I couldn’t believe my ears when he said so. I stayed at the bar that day and drank and drank. I never thought I would have to see such a phase in my life. 
The next day as my boss ordered me; I submitted my resignation and left the office. The salary was deposited to my account. I went on hunting for jobs but I failed. I decided not to tell anything to anyone.

Days passed by and I still was unable to get the job. I remained out so that Ruhali thought I was at office and the truth was not revealed. Money was not enough now, soon it started getting over. It was then I decided to take a loan from babu bhai, a well known lender in our locality.
I went to him and requested him for a loan of 20lakhs. 
“Why do you need so much money?” Babu bhai asked me.
“My boss fired me from the job and now I don’t have enough money or anything. Please grant me the loan Babu bhai.” I replied.
“Ok. But remember to return it back with interest in the given span of time or else it won’t be good for you.” He said and gave me the money.
“I’ll try my best to return it you within the given time.” I replied and left with the bag of money.

Everything went on smoothly again. Now Ishali had grown up and was about to join the play school. We got her admitted to one of the best play schools and Ruhali was happy seeing me do this. The money I borrowed always kept me in fear that would I be able to return it back on time as I still don’t have a job but I always tried to ignore this question and smile.

Months after months passed and I was now regularly getting calls from babu bhai regarding returning the money. I ignored his calls as I still had no job and would not be able to return him the money back.
One fine day I decided to receive the call and then he shouted, “Where the hell is the money? I want my money back!”.
“Babu bhai I still don’t have any job, please understand me. I’ll return your money as soon as I get the job.” I said and he replied, “I hate the ones who don’t follow my words. Now just wait and watch!” and disconnected the call.
His words scared me. I was now even scared to step out of my house. It was Sunday and Ruhali then said, “Please go to the market and get some vegetable Ishaan.”
I had no option left and I decided to go out. As soon as I stepped out of our residency’s main gate, a few people attacked me and they were dressed in black. They punch me, kicked me and hit me hard with the sticks. Blood started oozing out and then everything in front of me turned black.

When I opened my eyes I saw myself in the hospital and Ruhali was sitting by my side. As soon as she saw me open my eyes, she cried.
“Who were those people Ishaan?” she asked.
“They were babu bhai’s assistants.” I replied.
“Why the hell did they beat you up?” she asked me.
“I’m sorry Ruhali. I had borrowed money from him. My boss already fired me from the office as I was irregular to works after our fights started. I started drinking regularly. I was late home because I had to work for extra hours at office. After being fired away, I decided to keep this thing within myself and borrowed the money just to see you all happy. You never understood me and always took me in the other way round. I’m sorry Ruhali but I never lied to you. I just didn’t tell you these things because I never wanted you to be sad or tensed. Everything I did was just for your happiness. Forgive me if you think I’m wrong.” I replied with tears in my eyes. 
“I’m sorry Ishaan.” With tears in her eyes she said and hugged me.

“We men do suffer but we never tell or share these things because we never want to see our loved ones in pain. We are human beings and suffering is a part of life. Just to see others happy, we hide things and try to live our life with pain.”


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