People today are too busy in their life and they are unable to focus on their eating habits. People run after fast food and junk food and that creates the diet for them. But fast foods and junk foods are not good, a person need a balanced diet for the healthy working of their body. A healthy and a balanced diet keeps us fit providing our body with vitamins, minerals and nutrients. This also makes us strong and improves our immunity system. 

By eating many fruits and vegetables in
place of fast food and junk food,
people could avoid obesity.
-David H. Murdock

A healthy and balanced diet has a lot of restrictions and that leaves us with a fit and strong body. We have to say a total big fat no to junk and fast food, a sad goodbye to them but no worries, saying a goodbye to them would help you get a fit and amazing body and then you’ll be stronger. To meet the requirements of the body, we need to eat the limited amount of food that our body requires. It would contain vegetables, fruits, cereals, pulses, meat, protein givers and everything but in the right and limited amount. By following this healthy diet, now our body won’t have any space for fatty acids and anything unhealthy. People eating junk foods regularly, fall ill often. The ones following the balanced diet are good with their health and are fit and fine. 
The easiest and a sorta cheap way to treat everything at home is a Honey Diet - A sweeter alternative. With honey comes everything, it is good for our health, contains vitamin, is sweet in taste and doesn’t cause harm till consumed in a good amount. 
Honey and its useful benefits:-

1) Weight Management- Honey helps us in managing our weight. It is believed that if we consume a teaspoon of honey mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass of slightly warm water every morning, it would help us lose weight and it is even good for our health. Regularly following this with an hour or thirty minutes of workout would help us reduce our weight.

2) Medicine for Cough and Cold- Fed up with cold and cough? Is no medicine working? Well, then here it comes. Honey is the cure to your cold and cough. 2 teaspoons of honey added to a bit of tulsi water and there you are, all fit and fine. The cold just vanished away after you started consuming the natural remedy to it. 

3) Treats Dandruff- Honey can bring temporary relief to your itching scalp. It can treat dandruff. Honey mixed with ten percent of warm water and applied to the parts with the itching problem, keeping that for three hours and then washing it away would bring you some relief for a week or so. It also helps in preventing hair loss.

5) Boosts Memory- The sweet honey nectar is loaded in antioxidants that helps prevent cellular damage and loss within the brain. This helps us boost our memory.

6) Treats Wounds and Burns- Working internally, honey can also be used to treat external wounds. It helps in disinfecting the wound and killing the harmful infection-causing bacteria. 

7) Healthy Skin- It also helps us in keeping our skin healthy. Just applying honey on your skin helps in removing the dead skin and brings a glow on the face and smoothens it as well.



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