BOOK REVIEW OF "In The Shadows of Death".


Sheetal Mehra, HR executive with Crescent Technologies, is found murdered in the toilet of a Kolkata hotel after an office party. ACP Agni Mitra finds out about her adulterous ways as he starts investigating into the murder. The miffed husband, a lecherous boss, one of her many jilted admirers – anyone could have killed her. The investigation is stuck in myriad perplexing questions when the murder of Meenakshi Menon, a Director with Altius Finance, hits the headlines. As more murders rock the city, it is not too long before the battle of wits with his unseen adversary turns personal for Agni. A ruthless killer walking the rain-washed streets of Kolkata. A detective battling storms brewing in his private life. Human relations infested with deceit. A generation struggling to cope with fast-changing ambitions and desires. In the Shadows of Death is a gripping page-turner with a heart-rending emotional core.

My Review:

The entire narrative is engrossing without a single superficial line. The reader cannot afford to relax in between and postpone the reading of the unread portion. The language is enchanting. The flow is smooth.  The novel portrays a deep truth regarding the ruthless corporate world.
The author's unique knack of first folding and then unfolding a mystery is spot on. Further Sourabh focusses on the psychological aspect of the incidents and go through deep into the mental world of her characters and delves the psychological reasons for whatever they did. 
With this book, the author has launched a new detective character series. Summing up, everything falls in line in "In The Shadows of Death". The Character of Agni Mitra is fascinating and the author has produced a novel that is mysterious, intriguing ramble you can't put down in any cost

 Can't wait for the upcoming Agni Mitra novels. Highly Recommended !!!


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